
Hey folks,

Welcome to my site for the rhetorical situation of gun violence, and I going to show your guy my theory of writing. That’s my writing journey through the time in the class of Writing for our time. The letter was written for me that represents how it’s my writing throughout my whole life and talk to myself.

Dear Zehua Li,

When you knew your next assignment is the theory of writing, you were confused about why you need to write about the theory of writing. It seems pointless for writing. For all the writing assignment you wrote before, it all has a purpose to write that have a topic to write about and what you need to include that the rhetorical situation, language, and so on. Somehow, I’m getting lost in this essay. After the professor introduces what is exactly the theory of writing, then I feel the assignment is interesting more than I thought before. That’s essential to connect all your idea altogether for writing the theory of writing.

I feel terrified as I first entered the class. Especially, I saw the syllabus we have for the writing class. I was so nervous that look at all those assignments we had to do. A self-doubt voice arises spontaneously say that “How can you handle this kind of writing the assignment, at least 1500 words for my first assignment, oh my gosh! That’s impossible to you for finishing this kind of longest homework in your life.” It was my first impression of this class. First, I hate writing all the time that my idea about writing is to waste your time to talk with strangers through the words without face to face and that is unreal for communication between people. The structure of the class has totally changed my mind that peer review and meeting with the professor. Despite to talk with the classmate, reading other people’s paper is another way to know the people what they think. The words they use and the way they describe a thing is fun to recognize the people who really, they are. Also, get some feedback from other people is an interesting thing I learn in the class. You can get other people’s views on the same things you do. Like a math question that has a different method to resolve it, I wonder why some of the people could solve the same question we do use this kind of way I never think of. That’s the reason why I love to read other people’s papers and curious about why they write and think about it in a different way than me. I’m might find an answer to those questions after my first meeting with the professor. Before I went to the meeting, I was stuck with how I can get more kinds of angles to look at the problem of gun violence that exists in the United States. I can get a lot of information from the professor and she provides some of the other views on the problem that I never thought that before. I’m satisfied that the answer to the problem would be knowledge and experience are limited to your thought process. To be become thinking outside of the box people are required certain educational background and life experience. Maybe it’s not always true for some of the people, but for me is like to open a new door for me to look forward to life and explore the world.

Have you got trouble to express your idea and try to make it clear to other people? Yes, I do, and I know what exactly your feeling is. You don’t have to worry too much about this problem. The problem you have is a common problem most people have met. Being a writer or the artist does not have the responsibility of letting their audience know what their works representing and what they try to say in their works. Such as the drawing of the starry night by the artist Vincent van Gogh, even though most of the people may know what is meant behind the drawing, which is their opinion for this masterwork. Somehow, does the artist agree with them or told us what is that mean of the starry night and the unique way his drawing. He did not talk to us about that before So, it’s cannot be an acceptable explanation for this amazing works in the art world. That’s the same as the theory of our writing, all we need to do is say what you say and write what you write. Sometimes, an understanding might not be that important you thought.

To you, writing in English is training to you that you are not a native speaker and learn how to speak English is kind of short. I was not confident to use English and say it out loud. In fact, I must face the truth straightly that I live in the United States right now. Instead of keeping a negative attitude for my English, I got to force myself for writing an essay in English. That’s the problem I met for now in my writing. Maybe there have many grammar mistakes that you made, I would like to forgive this little mistake for this time. But, you must remember that you are a college student, these mistakes would not allow you to tolerate for all the time. To improve your English is a hurry situation that you need to face.

I used to afraid of writing because of the worse experience I ever have for writing. When I was in fifth grade, my teacher had asked us to write an essay. At that time, I got no idea about the essay is about and how should I start. Also, the deadline was coming up that I was rush and I start to find some example online. The essay I found online is was great to me and I copy most of the part on it. I had handed it directly to the teacher without any personal corrections. The teacher had found out the essay did not belong to me, then give me a big zero on my essay and write some worse comments about my essay. At that moment, I feel shame about me and how dare me to copy other people’s work for finishing my work. For this kind of terrible experiment, I have, it always reminds me to think about the importance of being original all the time.

To be honest, my writing strategy is simple to most people. My writing strategy would listen to music while writing some stuff. And the bad habit of me is writing in the night could make my mind more clear and focus on thinking and my brain could run faster than I work in the morning or afternoon. This behavior is called “night cat” in Chinese that means more energetic until the night. So, work at night and wear the headphone to do the writing is my unique way to raise working efficiency. Work in the night means everybody at rest and you are still working. That makes me feel different than other people. The surrounding environment is silence Because the writing requires you to think about everything, like what you going to write next and which word is a good choice for my expression and so on. All the details you mention can influence a lot to your idea or your audience. Writing is a constant thinking process that requires you to write a paper that has a quick organized and nonstop process to your thoughts to accomplish influent on your essay. Constantly think can be achieved to write as much as you could and as fast as you can.

  Self-reflection and revision are necessary to write a process in our writing class, you may be asked to write some irrelevant things, like the diary of small articles, maybe you are asked to write about something, maybe write a piece of paper in the way we were asked to. In the way we ask to, we may be reluctant to do it and when we are forced to after finished it, in the end, we found the work was not too bad but we reiterate our own words, will find ourselves have promoted our own original not imagined a grade or a small success. That’s the importance of the revision and reflections for the writing.


Zehua Li