A Source-Based essay

               Gun violence on America’s youths

 Over these few years, the problem of gun violence has become significantly direr. This could because of another problem of whether the United States has been too lax in the control of guns to lead to a series of accidents.

From the CNN Wire, “Why Democrats in 2020 are moving toward their most ambitious gun control agenda ever”, written by Ron Brownstein, is an American journalist, political correspondent, and analyst. The author knows his audiences are the educated people that they are read CNN news and concern about the politics and the control of the gun. And his article mentions a lot of political history about how to get supporters through their strategies. Especially, the democracies focus on gun control to get supporters. The author states that “Democrats are targeting for 2020. Quinnipiac University polling in May found that 94% of registered voters supported universal background checks, 77% backed a licensing requirement and 63% endorsed a ban on assault weapons”. This makes the reader pay more attention to gun control and its choice of public opinion that can be convincing people that gun control is people want. The author instead of using professional language to tell his thoughts, but it is to use some simple and clear language to make more people understand the main idea of the article. The tone of this article was aggression to democracy, but it also more specifically talk about how it’s the political party work. The reason I say the author is aggression that he used “ambitious” to describe democrats from the title. The author has come to feel that Democrats not just gun control as well. He said, “the party’s shifting electoral coalition has changed its incentives on issues that divide the country along cultural lines”. (Paragraph 10) Because of the title he used it’s could make other political parties and free party people look at it. The genre is an academic journal. And the medium is a digital article from the website. That’s also is the reason why the author picks some simple language in his article. Since the tone of the author is aggressive to democracy, then the author’s stance should be opposite the democracy. However, he didn’t say much about his own opinion about gun control. Also, he kept telling us the present situation of democracy party. He seems like trying to tell them how to do. But the author did not say any about his personal experience or opinion to the political party and the gun control. This leads the reader to feel more persuasive and doesn’t think personally.

Based on the article “Amid Discussion on Gun Control, Gun Rights Groups Exert Diminished Influence” is written by Yue Stella Yu. The article was published by the States New Service that means their target audience is the people who care about politics especially some scholars and political men. Because of the place they publish is need some attention to it. The tone of the author is mild and calm in her essay. As we can see from her essay, she told about “gun rights groups” step by step through their affections and motivations. At those processes, she used some of the numbers to talk about how much money they spend on the media and human resources to support their gun rights groups. “Gun rights groups have spent $5.5 million on lobbying this year, almost four times what the gun control groups collectively spent” from paragraph 6. The purpose of the article is the question of Gun Control law lead to the Gun Rights Groups and NRA compete with each other in their own ways. As the problem of Gun control has been coming out to our site, some political man and lobbying also catch that and take some action to attempt to make it happened. Even though this is related to political, but it’s related to people’s lives and it will be got more people to support it. The Genre of this article is an academic journal. The article has provided a lot of data to report the Gun Rights Groups what they did to their goal. The author says, “the firearms industry trade group” has spent “450,000 on Facebook ads” and “buy of $250,000 across multiple platforms” that would persuade the audiences to believe those truths of the groups. The author has a neutral position that she did not apply any personal thoughts on her essay and point out some of the Gun Rights Groups’ weakness for the defense to the opposite. The language she used is most of the regular and normal word to express her idea and let people have more knowledge about the Gun Control Rights Groups quickly. For the rhetorical situation, the passage was talking about the Gun Control Rights Groups how the political involved it and what they did to their plan, also figure out what is the influence in the United States. Different types of Gun Rights Groups are kept advertising their ideas. The group has been called the firearms industry convinced people by the idea of a background check system. That’s a different story to other groups they are representing. Because instead of talking about the prohibition of the gun.

From the New American,” YouTube Targets the Second Amendment”, published by American Opinion Publishing, Inc. The article is written by Patrick Krey. The audience for this passage should be the reader of the New American and them interested in the issue of Gun Control. The tone of the article is critical and pragmatic that shown in the “YouTube Partner Program has now been overhauled to prohibit people who produce content featuring guns”. That’s very straight forward and takes a tough stance for what they do to the YouTubers. The purpose of the article is to remind people of prohibiting guns needs to start from the basic and the basic is the internet. As a result, the CEO of YouTube has taken some action to ban the gun on YouTube. They come through some advertisements on the video and create a program to let people report for who still making some video about making guns. They also provide awarded for those YouTubers and reporters.  This way can be to encourage more people to prohibit the Gun and responding to gun control policies. The genre of this article is magazines that based on the author says “Ammoland.com reported on July 16”. The stance of the author has related to the tone of the article that the author supported the “Gun control” by describing them end the channels are featuring guns were quickly demonetized with no explanation. And, the language of the author using is simpler and has some foreshadowing of the topic. It says CEOs to bring “demonetize channels that feature guns” into force. As the author says, “defenders of the Second Amendment need to wake up to his non-government threat posed by corporations”, which is very important to the movement for expressing our thoughts.  The author not only discussed YouTube did for the Gun Control but also talking some more thoughtful things.

In the blog the Sanders Institute, the article “The Gun Control Debate: What Debate?” Rep. Tulsi Gabbard expresses her depressed and respected to the family have lost them realities, she also gives a speech of the Gun Control and dissatisfaction with congress.  The author felt the need to write the blog because she attempted to express her thoughts that try to make some effect on the process of Congress changes the Gun Control law. She uses data to show more and more people are supporting the Gun control, so that’s about public opinion. For the audience of the blog are the people who have some effect since the shooting happens and the people who are wanting to stand for them. The audience needs to research specifically for Gun Control to find the blog. In addition, the blog is related to the person who is wanting to give a hand to those families and the safety of the country. The author wrote this article with sadness and pain based on she wrote that “People on all sides of this debate felt pain and sadness as our nation mourned the loss of those 17 lives in Parkland”. She talked a lot of the congress and governance to what did to the Gun Control Law and community. Also, she fought with a congress that says, “Congress has yet to act”. She was very disappointed with the government that “The FBI’s background-check system is missing millions of records of criminal convictions, mental illness diagnoses, and other flags”,it would cause the background check to be tougher and have more potential danger out of our country. So, the purpose of the blog is to say what she wants for Gun Control. She has not any fear of the government and turns into a leader of Gun Control. The genre of the blog post on a representative gives an opinion of Gun Control. So, the article is more logical and philosophical. Even though she feels depressed and respects the family, but she also has a logical mind and straight forward language to let the reader know more about Gun Control. Besides, she provided some solutions for Gun control that has a small topic for each paragraph. It can be led the reader to focus on them and pay more attention to the solutions. The stance of the author has supported Gun Control and tried to do something for those families and the community. The author was tired of the political party to be a “partisan or divisive issue”. They made all those processes slowly and ineffective. The language she used is straightforward to the point and utilized a lot of public survey data to demonstrate the importance of Gun Control.

Even though the four sources I have used are the same topic, but they all have a great deal of different space on their rhetorical. For their target audience, they are totally different from each of them that academic journal is focused on scholars and the people who are accepted by high education, News is the target on the Newsreader and it can be spread widely and quickly on the internet. The audience of blogs and magazines is more focus on the readers are really care about it and some of the researchers or students do their projects about the topic. For each of the passage tone and purpose, they are similar most likely somehow. However, the audience of academic journals depends on its tone needs to be more professional and not too emotional, and the audience of news and magazines is decided its tone should tell the truth for the topic. In addition, the blog is kinda like express the author’s opinion. Then stance and language in those four sources are familiar as well as. Because the purpose and audience of academic journals should be neutrality and scientific language, the News and Magazines can contain some of the opinions about Gun Control and might be a few data to support them. And the blog is to express the author own thoughts that the author becomes more essential for their creditability.  The first resource News is always been about political parties. The second one is the Academic Journal that described the Gun Right Group on how to work for their rights to talk about the topic. For the third resources magazines is demonstrated the YouTube how-to through their policy to support the Gun Control. The last one is a blog that was a representative talk about some solutions to Gun Control and put oneself in a good position. Even if they all have the same topics in their article but based on their genre, they all have much difference in the rhetorical elements.

Work cited

“Why Democrats in 2020 are moving toward their most ambitious gun control agenda ever.” CNN Wire, 20 Aug. 2019. Gale OneFile: News, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A596908929/STND?u=cuny_ccny&sid=STND&xid=91c6c9bd. Accessed 19 Sept. 2019.

“AMID DISCUSSION ON GUN CONTROL, GUN RIGHTS GROUPS EXERT DIMINISHED INFLUENCE.” States News Service, 11 Sept. 2019. Gale Academic OneFile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A599145147/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=AONE&xid=a4a820cf. Accessed 18 Sept. 2019.

Krey, Patrick. “YouTube Targets the Second Amendment.” The New American, 19 Aug. 2019, p. 40. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A599053210/OVIC?u=cuny_ccny&sid=OVIC&xid=d735bb93. Accessed 18 Sept. 2019.

“The Gun Control Debate: What Debate?”https://www.sandersinstitute.com/blog/the-gun-control-debate-what-debate